Ralph Evans, sassafras
remember playing there and I remember the Phil Collins gig (Brand X) but
much else has slithered into the past. We are talking 32 years ago!'
Chris Sharley:
I have fond memories of
playing The Friars in 1974 & ''75 with Welsh band Sassafras. one gig
in particular stands out when we were on with Bebop Deluxe. What a
great band they were? I found a poster on an old Friars site which
was a nice bit of memorabilia for my scrap book. Thanks... The
drummer from Bebop was originally from Hackensack, with Nicky Moore
on vocals. Strangely enough I later became a great friend and did
many gigs with Nicky in the 80's and fairly recently the 'Back For A
Bit Tour
Good luck with the 'New' Friars and I'll follow with interest.